Outlines the AIDS Law Project’s suit (Petition No. 97 of 2010) against the Attorney General and Director of Public Prosecutions regarding the constitutionality of section 24 of HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act. The court found that some terms were too broadly defined and that Act contravened Kenya’s constitution.
Case Analysis: Section 24 of the HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act Kenya: Reviewing AIDS Law Project v Attorney General and Another (2015)
Overview of the Kenya High Court’s ground-breaking decision that some terms in the HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act were too broadly defined and that Act contravened Kenya’s constitution.
Punitive laws and practices affecting HIV responses in Kenya
Analyses punitive laws and policies undermining the effective delivery of services to PLHIV and those at risk of HIV infection. Flags laws and policies that violate Constitutional rights. Sets out an advocacy agenda for policy and legislative reform and improvement of law enforcement practices and community understanding of criminalisation issues.