Quick media toolkit summary on why HIV criminalisation law should be reformed in Zimbabwe.
Q&A HIV and the criminal code in the Nordic countries
Brochure highlighting key questions on HIV transmission and exposure criminalization for people living with HIV in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland.
Case Law Index
Listing of some U.S. HIV prosecutions by case name (to 2013), (pages 7-9)
Comparative Sentencing Chart on HIV Criminalization in the United States
This chart, published by the Center for HIV Law and Policy in 2012, compares U.S. legislation on sentencing for HIV exposure, non-disclosure, and transmission with laws punishing drinking and driving, reckless endangerment of others, and vehicular homicide, showing HIV exposure frequently carries far higher sentences than more dangerous crimes.
State-by-State Chart of HIV – Specific Statutes and Prosecutorial Tools
This chart from the Center for HIV Law and Policy, developed in 2013 and last updated in 2017, details each U.S. state’s HIV-specific laws in relation to various areas including spitting, biting, sharing needles, sex, and sex work, as well as HIV-specific sentence enhancement.