AMA Resolution on Modernization of HIV Specific Criminal Laws

Resolution by the American Medical Association (AMA) including condemnation of HIV-based discrimination, calls for laws to be consistent with current scientific knowledge, and encouragement of public education about stigma created by HIV criminalization status and their negative consequences. (Background information provided by the Centre for HIV Law and Policy)


Policy Position Statement on HIV Criminalization

Opposes laws that distinguish HIV from other comparable diseases or that create disproportionate penalties for disclosure, exposure or transmission of HIV disease beyond normal public health ordinances. Supports non-punitive prevention approaches to HIV centred on current scientific understanding and evidence based research.

HIVMA Urges Repeal of HIV-Specific Criminal Statutes

Highlights the detrimental effects of HIV-specific criminalization and supprts modernization of laws and practices to reflect current science and knowledge about HIV, the promotion of education addressing stigma associated with HIV-specific criminalization, and a federal review of federal and state laws, policies and regulations.

No Criminalisation of People with HIV!

Argues that criminalisation undermines HIV prevention efforts, calls for a clear distinction between moral and legal issues, and calls on the judiciary to reconsider the application of criminalisation against people with HIV.

Position Statement on HIV Criminalization

States that criminal law is an ineffective and inappropriate tool to prevent HIV exposure and transmission because it dissuades people from accessing diagnostic and treatment services and compromises open and honest communication with nurses. Recommends that nurses advocate for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS.