This document is intended to assist prosecution authorities in developing guidance to avoid the harmful use of the criminal law in relation to HIV and ensure the wise use of scarce prosecutorial resources. Although other sexually transmitted infections may raise similar concerns to HIV, it has overwhelmingly been cases involving HIV that have attracted prosecution and judicial commentary. As such, HIV-related prosecutions are the focus of this document.
OptTEST Tip sheet 7 – How and where do I find evidence for a change in policy?
Explores how to change existing policy by presenting clear and understandable evidence to support advocacy.
OptTEST Tip sheet 12 – What can we do when politicians ignore the evidence?
Examples of strategies to resist or challenge poor decision making.
OptTEST Tip sheet 11 – Key Questions: Questions you should ask yourself (and be able to answer) before you ask to meet with a Government Minister
Document exploring how to prepare meeting with government officials.
OptTEST Tip sheet 9 – How should we present our case to decision-makers and politicians?
Explores how to educate decision-makers and politicians, best ways to communicate, how to frame the arguments etc.
OptTEST Tip sheet 1 – Simple principles for effective campaigning on legislative or regulatory change
Tips on how to run a successful media campaign to generate change,
Implementing and scaling up programmes to remove human rights related barriers to HIV services
This publication builds on existing global technical guidance in human rights responses, and further advances efforts to support implementers to design and deliver high quality human rights programmes that are well integrated, sustainable, and at scale. The guidance is practical and organised around the Investment Approach to HIV. It helps implementers to understand the programmatic components of evidence-informed and quality interventions to remove barriers to services.
Judicial Handbook on HIV, Human Rights and the Law in Uganda
The Judicial Handbook on HIV, Human Rights and the Law in Uganda comprises of five parts that address the issues relating to HIV/AIDS and raises pertinent issues relating to its existence as may affect Judges’ decisions as well as possible recommendations for a start. Specifically, it has a background in which the current status of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and response to it is included.
- Part I enunciates the International Law and Human Rights Frameworks as applicable to HIV/AIDS in Uganda
- Part II concentrates on the National Law and Human Rights Frameworks as applicable to HIV in Uganda.
- Part III is about gaps/issues/shortfalls in national law and human rights frameworks as applicable to HIV and discusses policies on HIV.
- Part IV pertains to criminalization of transmission of HIV and its adverse effects.
- Part V is about things to remember when judging and adjudicating HIV cases, what the disposition of a judicial officer should be as well as the role of a judicial officer in the courtroom whilst handling such cases.
WHO Guideline: Updates on HIV and Infant Feeding (2016)
The overall purpose of this guideline is to improve the HIV-free survival of HIV-exposed infants by providing guidance on appropriate infant feeding practices and use of ARV drugs for mothers living with HIV in countries with high HIV prevalence and settings in which diarrhoea, pneumonia and undernutrition are common causes of infant and child mortality.
The guideline addresses four aspects of infant feeding in the context of HIV:
the duration of breastfeeding by mothers living with HIV;
interventions to support infant feeding practices by mothers living with HIV;
what to advise when mothers living with HIV do not exclusively breastfeed; and
what to advise when mothers living with HIV do not plan to breastfeed for 12 months.
The guideline informs national policy-makers on what may be relevant for national policies and programmes, it provides guidance to health-care providers, researchers and clinicians involved in managing pregnant women and mothers living with HIV at various levels of health care.