Reports an interim analysis of the relationship between undetectable viral load and HIV transmission in the Opposites Attract observational cohort study of homosexual male serodiscordant couples in Australia. Finds no linked HIV transmissions in 150 ‘couple years of follow up’ among homosexual male serodiscordant couples, despite close to six thousand acts of condomless anal sex.
Criminal prosecutions for non-disclosure of HIV: engaging with governmental health authorities to advocate for the development of prosecutorial guidelines in Quebec
Describes creation of a working group facilitating dialogue between the justice and public health authorities on the issue of criminalization. The working group called on the Justice Ministry to develop prosecutorial policies and guidelines. Governmental health authorities proved to be key allies in opening a dialogue with the Justice Ministry. Suggests that health authorities should play a central role in the development of prosecutorial policies and guidelines.
“One shouldn´t convict people for hypothetical risks”: developments in criminal law following increased knowledge and awareness of the additional prevention benefit of antiretroviral therapy
Overview of various jurisdictions shows that an increased understanding of the impact of viral load on infectiousness has resulted in a number of jurisdictions revising or revisiting their criminal laws or prosecutorial policies relating to HIV non-disclosure, exposure and/or transmission.