Report on the ARASA/OSISA civil society consultative meeting on the criminalization of the wilful transmission of HIV

Outlines discussions at a community consultative meeting on HIV criminalisation attended by members of civil society from a range of countries within the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The meeting considered different perspectives on criminalisation, aiming to reach consensus on what constitutes an appropriate and effective response to harmful HIV-related behaviour.

Criminalising HIV transmission: is this what women really need?

Outlines Sub Saharan Africa’s proliferation of legislation criminalizing HIV exposure and/or transmission, highlighting its negative impact on women. Argues UNAIDS, USAID, and other international health agencies must take urgent action to educate lawmakers and civil society about the limitations of criminal law to prevent HIV transmission and the harms of criminalization laws already in place.

HIV-specific legislation in sub-Saharan Africa: A comprehensive human rights analysis

Analyses key provisions in HIV-specific laws, outlining both protective and punitive provisions including criminalisation of HIV non-disclosure, exposure and transmission. Argues these provisions are generally overly broad, disregarding the best available recommendations for legislating on HIV; failing the human rights test of necessity, proportionality and reasonableness; consecrating myths and prejudice; and undermining HIV responses.